Michael Phelps is kicking ass in the Olympics. He's won how many gold medals now? He'll be all over the talk show circuit upon completion.

It's new releases Tuesday. Here are my picks; Smart People and Warlords are out
on DVD. Television series' also out on DVD are Prison Break (3rd season), South Park (11th season), and the 1st season of Caroline in the City. I know you'll all be running to your nearest Best Buy to purchase that last one. Why did I watch that, too? Maybe because it was part of the unstoppable Thursday night lineup in the 90's. As far as Cd's, Lil Wayne and Nelly have released discs and the soundtrack to Star Wars: The Clone Wars is available today. The Cure also has The Perfect Boy/Without You released today as well as San Francisco Days by dreamy Chris Isaak.
Ed Helms and John Krasinski partnered up

Sienna Miller was crying @ the gas station in Malibu yesterday cuz the paps were hounding her. "I just want to get gas!" she yelled. Whatevs. She's kinda icky, no?

Tropic Thunder premiered last night in LA and the stars and then some came out in support.
Tom Cruise
Alicia Silverstone was there. Remember Miss Match?

I just got a brain freeze. Ouch!
Meredith and Derek will be living together on the new season of Grey's Anatomy. Yay! I hope they make her hair better and not have it look all nappy and nubbly like last season. And the Callie/Erica storyline will be played out. I think Yang and McSteamy should become roommates.
Meredith and Derek will be living together on the new season of Grey's Anatomy. Yay! I hope they make her hair better and not have it look all nappy and nubbly like last season. And the Callie/Erica storyline will be played out. I think Yang and McSteamy should become roommates.

I'm wearing a dress.
Is Rihanna ("ella, ella, ella") really going out with Chris Brown? Weren't they in Barbados or the Bahamas a few days ago? I think they were spotted shopping yesterday.

Where is that boyfriend of mine that sells the boxes of strawberries down the street from where I'm employed?
Taco Tuesday!
it's all about Colby on..."how i met your...wait for it...mother..." she's cool...
it's all about Colby on..."how i met your...wait for it...mother..." she's cool...
hi, it's me pam. im enjoying your blog and finally, someone knows who robert buckley is. i saw john mayer at shoreline and he got a haircut. he looks less edward scissorhandish. you should watch chris brown's take it down LIVE video on youtube. Mmmmm...he can be my cubby.
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