Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's A Small Mall After All

Little drummer girl did better than expected @ the dentist this morning. Even though this wasn't her first trip, she was still very apprehensive. It was her first visit to this particular dentist and he seemed to calm her. Can you believe this is the dentist I went to as a child? He must be that good. The way he was with little drummer girl made me think of the Friends final Thanksgiving episode where Joey gave that hypnotic look to erase all your troubles. We'll definitely go back to this dentist. Dr. Dura is what I'll call him.

So afterwards, we head over to Hillsdale because I promised a toy or three in exchange for good behavior. Buster said she was @ the mall or she was planning to go to the mall. And then as I'm purchasing sour peaches, I hear this loud, "What are you doing here?!" I couldn't see the face and I assumed she was asking the cashier that inane question I thought. I saw the figure move closer to little drummer girl and realized, of course, it wasn't Buster, but G-Mother K. Wasting time when she should be @ work. She said she was on her "lunch break".

I need a nap. I'm told I'm in for a long musical night this evening.

1 comment:

"Younger Sibling..." said... took me a while to figure out who was Dr. Dura, then it click...hee.... ilittle drummer girl is so cool....